In ninth grade, I got my first real taste of science and math. Nothing too serious, just biology for freshmen, but it was amazing all the things that went with it. That was also the year I took my first engineering course. It was the last period of the day, and I could not wait to get started that first day of school. Imagine my terror and embarrassment, when I walk into a full classroom and see only two other girls.
Two girls. Plus me. And I heard there was only one other in the whole program. For a second, I thought of leaving, of going into something like creative writing or another art class. But I didn't. And I was glad. It wasn't the best of classes, and the majority of the room spent more time playing Counter Strike than actually drafting assignments, but I realized I was good at it. It was the perfect combination of math and reality and drawing to make me happy.
The years have gone by, and I am getting ready to graduate from high school soon. My favorite class this senior year? Physics, followed closely by my statistics and calculus classes. And I am glad to report that there are more than just four girls in those classes. I want to share my love with you, the girls who stay home to watch Stephen Hawking on the Discovery Channel or who know the exact probability of getting that same classes as your friends. The girls who keep the high scores in the online leader boards and who go to Comicon every year.
We have more people to look up to than Marie Curie, as this xkcd comic so eloquently explains, and it's about time we realized all the awesome stuff that happens, because of women. And this won't just be science. Comics, video games, internet sensations, contemporary artists, anything even remotely geeky or traditionally man territory will be discussed here. I hope you stick around for the ride.
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